a new is coming

Four years ago, TB Telecom took up the challenge of finding a solution for a high-speed fiber-optic transmission route between Europe and the Middle / Far East and India („EMFEI”). This route is critical from the point of view of global telecommunications driven by the explosive bandwidth growth related to IT, finance, blockchain, distance learning, gaming and many other industries. It provides Europe with connectivity not only with China, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia but also with India and the Middle East. 

It is composed of several cable systems, routing into a very limited Corridor in a single country which is not optimal from the point of view of todayʼs customer needs.  These systems were initially designed and built over 20 years ago and followed by many other new systems that have taken the same concept until the present time. All along, customer requirements have changed as they now need more robust, diverse and cost effective solutions

Map of existing telecommunications systems

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