socially responsible business

Economic growth and reduction of inequalities
Project CHIME will create new, well-paid jobs in developing countries (Saudi, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait), and in the next phase also in countries with low (Yemen) and lowermiddle income (India). 
The project aims at significant economic growth of each country along the route of the system as well as the entire region, not only by jobs created during the project implementation, but also by attracting new investments to these countries, previously impossible due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure. 
Reduction of differences and inequalities between developing and developed countries in access to the highest-quality fiber-optic infrastructure with high capacity and low latency, the lack of which blocked technological investments, the creation of modern data centers, the development of science, etc. 
Business in harmony with nature
The designed system infrastructure (ILAs, PoPs) as well as Data Centers will be powered from renewable energy sources (solar energy). 

The project will be implemented in an environmentally safe manner, the route of the system has been designed so as not to harm the natural environment, meeting the highest ecological standards.

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Pływające Sieci Teleinformatycznepływające